Saturday, September 17, 2011

Present State of Health Care: In God We Trust, All Others Pay CASH!

Present state of health care is really up in the air at the moment. So many uncertainties after Obama Care was passed that have not come into being as of yet. Many of these policies and regulations and rule will become law in 2012 and 2013, if they are left as they are they very well could bankrupt the system. Last month alone over a million hard working Americans lost their health insurance because these companies are going to put their employees onto the government subsidized programs that doesn’t exist yet. The piggy bank that pays for all of these medical necessities, Medicare/Medicaid is on the verge of bankruptcy. Let alone being able to send home a check for support for dear old grandma, the government won’t have the money to pay for any of her necessities. As the baby boomers continue to multiply in numbers, the demands on our system cannot afford to take care of everybody until the endth degree in life. There is a place point and time when good sound judgment needs to weigh out cost of treatment with quality of life. I personally do not want to be lying in bed with tubes running in and out of my body, like a vegetable being kept alive so that some stinky nursing home can collect a check from the Federal government. Put me out of my misery already, morphine slow-drip please. In the UK currently, if your cost of treatment exceeds thirty thousand dollars, you are more likely than not going to be denied treatment unless your mommy or daddy can come up with the money for private care or treatment. We in this country have enjoyed the best of care and we’ve tried to share it with everybody but we are going broke fast. We are borrowing money from the Chinese to subsidize global health care. As kind as we are as a people and a nation, this is a great idea but we simply cannot afford it. There are people living here in this country that have worked 30-40 years that are depending upon their social security and Medicare/Medicaid to cover them with benefits until the end of life. Reality is we cannot live up to our promises if we are going to take care of everybody. So as to the quality of health care in the United States, it’s great if you have insurance and or cash, if not you’re heading for a slippery slope.  

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